August 25th to 28th The Coho Keep Coming

Welcome aboard to Terry and Carol, Bryan and Fran, fresh from their drive out from Drayton Valley they were looking forward to leaving the driving to us and catching some fish. Once again sunny skies followed us out to the Moffat Islands where we tuned up the first evening giving everyone a chance to see how the gear works before anchoring up in a pristine bay by ourselves and feasting on fresh dungeness crab. The next day we stirred up some nice  Coho and waited patiently for the afternoon halibut bite. Although a touch slow the weather was warm and the winds light. On day three our patience paid off and we trolled into some Coho action that will be forever etched on the memories of our guests. Boiling through the needle fish, jumping on our lines sometimes three at a time the action was nonstop. The rods were barely in the water before another hard fighting Coho hit the gear and danced on the end of the rod. Who’s turn is it, who knows who cares as lines danced over and under each other with silver salmon on the lures. Whew!! what a day that was. The next morning we set out to find the hali’s and find them we did. A great morning of fishing with Terry snagging the most and the biggest with a beauty 40 lb hali topping the list. Bryan and Fran scratched another off their bucket list and we thank them for putting us on it. Safe travels to all and good luck fullfilling the rest of your list.