Bougher Power

September long weekend always marks the closing of yet another great summer on the north coast. The town gets a little quieter, the dock is not so busy, and the days a little shorter. This year brought summer like weather and the return of our perennial guests Jason, his Dad David ( aka The Salmon Slayer) accompanied by friend  Curtis and his father in law Ted. If the summer was winding down no one told the Salmon as the fishing was fast and furious. Big hard fighting Coho that jumped, ripped off line and banged some knuckles. Add some whales, great halibut fishing and you wonder why things are slowing down as the fishing was awesome. Great to have you back Jason always a laugh or two shared on the back deck, looking forward to seeing you again next  year, keep your tip up, face the fish, let him run, don’t horse him, and most important have some fun!!!