No Floods in Prince Rupert

Joined by two couples from Alberta, Don and Anita, James and Maryanne, we were surrounded by water, but none of it in our basements. Somewhat ironic that Prince Rupert with it’s rainy reputation has had such an awesome June while Alberta has been ravaged by heavy rains and flooding. There are some disadvantages to boat living but high water is not one of them. Our guests had family affected but fortunately none were hurt(Don’s Dad did break a thumb in the helicopter evacuation) but they did suffer flooded homes. Although distracting it did not deter us from enjoying a great trip. Coho, Springs, Whales, Dolphins, Sea Lions and of course some awesome eagle shows at night. It was a great trip and we enjoyed the company and the fishing with our new guests. We are looking forward to seeing them next year in July. To all our other guests in Alberta, past and present we hope that they were not affected by the flooding and that they and there family’s are all safe and sound. With sunny skies in the forecast we are looking forward to getting back on the water for some more awesome Prince Rupert fishing charter.