Port Hardy to Campbell River

Away at 0730 we left Port Hardy under a high overcast and calm winds. Good tides helped us along as we slid by the colorful village of Sointula and Alert Bay into Johnstone Straight. Lots of fish boats on the move as the Gillnet fleet worked their nets for late season Chums. Planning on Port Neville for the night we made good time and dicided to push on to Forward harbour. Arriving with a stiff NW wind on our stern we entered the placid waters of Forward Harbour at 1800 and dropped the hook for a quiet night on the hook.

October 1st, definetly fall on the north coast as we left for a date with slack tide at Seymour Narrows. Once the most dangerous reef on the coast Ripple Rock is not the hazard it was however big tides meant currents in excess of 13 kts and lots of whirlpools so the Thuneder with it’s 8 kt max needs slack water to navigate through. At least 30 sport fishing boats hugged the point just north of the narrows as we slid by on a changing tide and made our way into Discovery Marina for the night.