In early March the Thunder 1 swung into her familiar overhaul facility at Cove Yachts. Snug and dry inside Phil’s boathouse the work began. Under the skillful hands of Gord and Phil some tricky bow planks on the starboard side were replaced. If you have never seen this done it is truly a work of art and from the templating , to the cutting to the steam box and onto the vessel a skill I hope will be preserved by future shipwrights. With the rain off the roof I had a chance to strip off paint and give the Thunder a new coat from stem to stern. After the planking work was completed work began
on collision bulkheads, water tight engine room doors and several other safety related projects requested by Transport Canada. A new fire suppression system was also added to the engine room. Inside work was followed by the annual haul out where paint , zincs and the usual array of projects were completed. On May 01 after a thumbs up from Transport Canada the Thunder 1 was out of the boathouse and headed north looking good. Many thanks again to my crew whose skills with wood boats is the reason the thunder 1 has provided a safe and solid platform for our many guest to enjoy their fishing adventures.