When joined by our guest from England we thought that might be the farthest traveled guest for our season but we had forgotten that Ross and Trish would start in Melbourne Australia and after 13,000 km would end up aboard the Thunder 1 for their fishing adventure. Hoping that we could showcase our awesome scenery with some sun we were not disappointed. Crazy Coho fishing again kept the reels spinning, with no chance to take a break. Stopping for lunch among the islands Bob grabbed a jigging rod and no sooner hit the bottom at 50 ft when his rod bent to the water and the line peeled off with the drag set hard. No chance on this one as it didn’t stop until it broke the line. quickly tying another jig Bob had another big fish and this one ended up aboard, a beauty 30 lb ling. While the guests took a rest I kept busy cleaning up the catch. Wondering what had peeled off and broken the line earlier I put a halibut hook over the side and st
uck the rod in the holder while I cleaned the mornings fish. Bang the rod bent again and Deb picked it up and was in for a wild fight. After a great battle we landed a 70 lb halibut. All three fish were hooked at lunch in 50 ft of water. You never know what you will catch when you put a hook in the water. Perhaps just the icing on the cake while we lay on the hook in a quiet bay two wolves appeared on the beach and wandered in search of food while we watched on. Awesome!! Thanks again Bob and Rose, Ross and Trish for joining us we hope to entice you back again some day.