The Wright Stuff

After a couple of years sabbatical it was nice to have Barry, Cam, and their sons Mike and Ben as well as new guests Scott and Pat back aboard for another fishing charter in Prince Rupert. Light rod salmon hunters this group comes equipped with 8 wt. fly rods and Islander reels to hook up their fish. As the prize money for the biggest fish was still being sorted out young Ben stepped up out of turn and grabbed the 8 wt. as it flattened out under the pull of a big spring. Fish On!!! Nothing like a screaming MR 2 and a big fish on a light rod. Great job by Ben and he expertly fought the 25lb Chinook to the boat and into the leader board list. What followed was 5 days of nice weather, nice fish and much laughter. Some other nice Springs joined the mix but ultimately that first fish held up and Ben took home the Bacon. Great to have the group back, always awesome to play big fish on light gear and well done to all the anglers.  Looking forward to seeing you next year.