What’s your Limit ?

The Thunder 1 is a live aboard charter fishing boat on the north coast of British Columbia. We have operated out of Prince Rupert for 13 years and in that time have hosted over 1500 anglers from all parts of the world. We strive to provide our guests with an incredible west coast experience that is more than just fishing. We want our guests to see the beauty of our pristine wilderness from  the classic wooden Whal built trawler which is also our home. Humpback whales, Orcas, Sea lions, seals, eagles are all part of the experience and we get the opportunity to view this wildlife at close range in their natural environment. Of course we love to fish and work hard to make sure all our guests, novice or expert get the opportunity to hook, fight and land a beautiful salmon or hard pulling halibut. During the course of our 4 and 5 day trips we have the opportunity to land as many fish as the Department of Fisheries allows, known as your limit. With groups of 4 to 6 guests this means as many as 24 to 48 salmon, and 8 to 12 halibut. Incredibly we often reach these numbers but there are times when we don’t because as we often say, this is fishing not catching. Unfortunately we have guests that focus too much on achieving these limits to the point where there whole experience seems to be diminished for the sake of one or two fish. To all anglers that come to our beautiful part of the world we would encourage that they do not lose how incredibly lucky we are to have any of these wild fish where in many parts of the world this opportunity has already been lost. Join us for the whole experience, where there is no limit to the beauty that surrounds you.