Houston, North Carolina, and Lethbridge!

Welcome aboard Janice and Earl, Quince and Dianne, and Margaret and Penny for another one of our Prince Rupert Fishing Charters. A diverse family group that travelled from points afar it was nice to be joined by this group for their fishing adventure. Although Quince had dragged lots of lines on the BC Coast the rest of the group was new to our fishing and it was great that we could show them how awesome it is on the north coast. Booked as a double trip, one for fishing and one for cruising we set out to find some fish on the first part. Hali’s were the first up and we quickly had a number on and kept some fat chickens for the cooler. A good haul of prawns started day 2 and then it was off to find some Coho. Fish On!!!! We found them alright, great action, wild jumpers, big shiny fish, what a day. The weather was awesome the fishing electric and were soon back in Rupert for a quick turn and then off with the group for a leisurely cruise and some whale watching. Cruising up to Work Channel we anchored in the calm back inlets of the coast, beautiful scenery as we were surrounded by towering peaks and glassy water. The morning humpback show was spectacular and we watched for an hour or two as the waved their tails and fed at the mouth of Work. After that we headed to the Khutzemateen for the chance of viewing a Grizzly Bear. While the Bears did not come out the weather was great and the scenery worth the trip. Returning to Rupert we were treated to an amazing Humpback whale Bubble Net feeding show that will not be forgotten by our guest for a long time. With many miles to go to return to their homes we bade out guests farewell and hoped they would spread the work on how beautiful our part of the world is.